Viral Technology N.V.
The company is incorporated under the laws of Curacao with corporate registration number 123604 and its registered address on Groot Kwartierweg 10, Livestrong Building, Curacao.
Viral Technology N.V. currently operates a B2B business model consisting of re-selling game content to licensed operators.
Viral Technology N.V. has a valid Certificate of Operation what is subject to the National Ordinance on Offshore Games of Hazard (Landsverordening buitengaatse hazardspelen, P.B. 1993, no. 63) (NOOGH).
If you have any questions or inquiries, please don't hesitate to
contact us at contact(at)viral-t.com.
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Viral Technology N.V.
The company is incorporated under the laws of Curacao with corporate registration number 123604 and its registered address on
Groot Kwartierweg 10, Livestrong Building, Curacao.
Viral Technology N.V. currently operates a B2B business model consisting of re-selling game content to licensed operators.
Viral Technology N.V. has a valid Certificate of Operation what is subject to the National Ordinance on Offshore Games of Hazard (Landsverordening buitengaatse hazardspelen, P.B. 1993, no. 63) (NOOGH).
If you have any questions or inquiries, please don't hesitate to
contact us at contact(at)viral-t.com.
We don't use any cookies on our website.
Find out more about our Privacy Policy

Viral Technology N.V.
The company is incorporated under the laws of Curacao with corporate registration number 123604 and its registered address on
Groot Kwartierweg 10, Livestrong Building, Curacao.
Viral Technology N.V. currently operates a B2B business model consisting of re-selling
game content to licensed operators.
Viral Technology N.V. has a valid Certificate of Operation what is subject to the National Ordinance on Offshore Games of Hazard (Landsverordening buitengaatse hazardspelen, P.B. 1993, no. 63) (NOOGH).
If you have any questions or inquiries, please don't hesitate to
contact us at contact(at)viral-t.com.
We don't use any cookies on our website.
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